Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Morning tea!

*cheers* To the start of a wonderful week.   Now let's have some tea!

We all love a good peace of gossip right?? If you don't then >>>STOP READING HERE<<<  Okay unless you've been under a rock then you have heard about the recent separation of R&B singer Robin Thicke and wife of 8 years, actress Paula Patton.  Well it's been all over the tabloids, social media, and entertainment news.  The two separated when Paula decided that she wanted out.  Many have said that it is because of Robin's new-found popularity after the success of his hit single blurred lines featuring rapper T.I.. I  don't know if I'm the only one who realizes this, but I'm beginning to think that people only based their opinions on what's going on in the moment.  The reason I say that is because Robin has been popular LONG before blurred lines was released!!  I mean does anyone remember that Lost without you was a hit in 2007?  Any-who...A lot of folk are speculating that Robins fame is going to his head and he has been hanging out late and partying too hard.  Some even go as far as to say that Paula is pissed about the performance at the 2013 VMAs where Robin had a freak show with the likes of Hannah Montana  Miley Cyrus.    

JAREBEARSAYS that a lot of this may have pissed the actress off, but I also feel like there is always a lot more going on behind the scenes that we as an audience have no idea about.  Everyone is quick to say what they think is happening, but no one ever really knows.  WELL ONE THING I DO KNOW is that Robin recently had a show in D.C. and he took to the stage professing his love for his wife and told the crowd "I'm trying to get my girl back."  The crowd seemed supportive, but I'm sure some of the screams were of the lusty women who hope he and his wife never get back together. (shade much?)  As a fan of both talents what Imma say next may be a little on the obvious side, but this is my tea party right? lol  I personally hope that they can work through their problems, get back to happy, and stay married.  I believe in vows and all of that good stuff, but I also believe that nothing worth having comes easy and when you have been married as long as these two have that's not something to throw away.  What a lot of people don't know is the couple have actually been an item since they were 15 years old!!!  Robin should maybe take some time off from his busy tour, and since Paula isn't really that busy...NO SHADE... they can maybe take to a couples retreat or something modern like that.  I wish them nothing but the best.  Those true Hollywood love stories are always ones to be admired.  Hopefully the spark can be reignited.  Until then I will keep following this story and I know you, my good people will as well :)

Well, my cup is running low, but the tea is never all the way gone.  Meet me here next time and I will have a pot ready to pour.  Be sure to invite a friend!

                                                                                                 *Two Fingaz*

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