I'mma dive right in!!!

WHEN will certain women learn. Berg could not be making it anymore clear that he wants no relationship with Hazel E. He doesn't want a relationship with anyone for that matter!! She didn't see that he had to get drunk to even sleep with her. THIS IS SOME SAD ish! Then the chick had to to wake up to him being in the next room instead of boo loving with her. Well it gets to the point where you stop being mad at the guy and start being mad at the girl. LEAVE HIS ASS ALONE!!! If you looking for love and to be held down then you need to look somewhere else Hazel E dang! I'm fed up with that nonsense. How in the world do you sit on camera crying about a dude who has told you time and time again he isn't settling down. There is weak and there is dumb. I'm not name calling I'm just saying what's out there. You guys can determine what to do with the words. ;)

Omarion's momma got to come better. How do you show up to a young woman's baby shower and totally disrespect her. Why couldn't Momma O (that's what Imma call her) just stay at home if she was't feeling it. Apryl seems very strong, but why should she have to stress when she is however many months pregnant and at her own damn shower??? That just floors me that people are so inconsiderate. It's your son's child in there Momma O!!! Get it together. Apryl is better than most people I know because "I love you babe, but your mom has to vacate the premises. She is team WAY too much. A person who is ill and acts like that makes it hard for you to even feel bad about them being sick. Yall can correct me if yall think I'm wrong, but my compassion would go out of the window when the disrespect started!
Fizz & his girl seem to be doing pretty well. Fizz is stepping up and seems to be really relationship oriented. It is not hard to understand why his girl would be a little hesitant about becoming a family with another womans child. It is a huge responsibility and she should be allowed some time to decide. I will say this though. Fizz you have let the world know that she has been unfaithful to you once so now we are looking at her with different eyes than we were last week. She may be worried about the baby momma drama, but if he is wearing his heart on his sleeve as it appears then he needs to be careful and make sure he is protecting himself and his son.
Morgan Morgan Morgan!!! The typical reality show trouble maker. She is the passive aggressor and two faced chick. I guess I can't be too mad at her since she knows her role and plays the part. If she wasn't starting mess pretending to cover it in "bringing the girls together" she would have no relevance on the show. Most shows need their Morgan, as annoying as she may be!
The little love triangle between Mally and the two chicks we don't know is just pathetic. The main reason is because this dude is not even hot! I mean not to be fighting over especially. I don't even know what else to say about that situation because both ladies got played and until they realize that & stop pointing the finger at each other, they won't have a clue! Sad I know...
Same time next week!
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