Kimberly Pate aka K. Michelle is back on the TV screen. This time ON HER OWN SHOW!
Thank you for this VH1. "K. Michelle My Life" aired last night and for a season premiere it was on point!
K introduced us to her new life in New York City. She even introduced us to her son. It is clear that she is trying a new approach to life and wants to reveal her more pleasant side. K has expressed how she wants to be a bit different when dealing with the people around her. Furthermore she wants to change the way she deals with people in the industry. With that said she also did not fail to remind us of her past with some clips of previous experiences on reality TV. To me that shows growth, and it is refreshing to see someone who can recognize their issues instead of denying everything all of the time like some other reality stars we know.
protective of K. She also has that East Coast swagger that I live for being an East Coast guy myself! LoL
Jonathan appears to be very down to earth and trustworthy! Seeing the person who makes my fave look even more gorgeous everyday is pretty cool. He ain't hard on the eyes either!!!
But ummmmmmm Tracy tho!!!
OK so I am not one to straight bash someone I don't know personally so I wont. Ok sometimes I will but not this time! Tracy is K's friend who she fell out with because Tracy was spending K's money without permission. That would be called a thief. Tracy claimed that K was there while she used her card, but K says she had no idea and she was obviously pissed off about. After not speaking to Tracy or accepting her calls, she finally decided that in order to get her dog back from Tracy she would have to deal with the situation at hand.
Jonathan, being the peacemaker decided that to keep K calm he would mediate the situation but when Tracy brought the dog over some hell did break loose! At first Tracy didn't want to admit her wrongs which pissed K. Michelle all the way off. K snapped at Tracy when Tracy tried to bring up K's past, which had absolutely nothing to do with their problem. After some yelling and harsh words Tracy folded under the pressure and exited K's house. Jonathan ran after her to get her to grow up and face her problem so that she could attempt to mend her friendship with K. After what appeared to be a sincere apology from Tracy, K was able to calm down and even agreed to allow a homeless Tracy to stay with her.
K Michelle is proving that she values friendships and that she also demands to be respected! Who doesn't want those traits??
I am really looking forward to the rest of this season. Next Monday can't get here fast enough. Oh yeah and why my girl only get 30 minutes VH1???? WE WANT MORE K!!!!!!! CTFU Ok I'm out for now! TTY guys Later! Don't forget to tell a friend that...
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