Tamar and Vince were in Cabo San Lucas on last nights episode. What was supposed to start out as a fun couples retreat turned into the getaway from hell for a moment.
Since Vince asked his wife not to be on Instagram while they were on the trip all hell broke loose when
he saw a pic that Tamar claims to have innocently reposted.

SEE WHAT HAD HAPPENED WAS (Tamar Voice) Mrs. Braxton-Hubert says she was using the bathroom and being as though she planned to be on the latrine a little longer than a number one she needed something to read. Tamar decided to take her phone with her to the facilities, which is when the repost happened and pissed Sir Hubert all the way off.
During a yoga session Vince was no where to be found and when Tamar went calling.............BANGING AND YELLING King Hubert could not take and began to express his anger toward his wife. Lol
Tamar likes to believe their fight was alllllllllll about Instagram, and while Vince wanted her to just hush, after a lot of back and forth, he expressed that it wasn't about Instagram really, but about her mouth which he is constantly saying is out of control. I'LL LET YALL BE THE JUDGE.
Any who...
Vince and Tamar did not travel alone. They invited best friends Lashawn and his wife April along with Tamar's friend Terrell and his boyfriend Ben. Terrell and Ben's presence sparked a whole new issue when Lashawn began to show his discomfort with Terrell and Ben being their and their public displays of affection. After some drinks and getting Tamar and Vince back on track the couples headed to dinner where Lashawn expressed his reasons for being against homosexuality due to his christian upbringing. When Ben conversed
with Lashawn he was able to educate him on his own christian upbringing and values which led to a coming together of sorts. Let's just say Ben was man enough to apologize, say he was learning what he didn't know, and even expressed his love for Terrell for knowing him as a person and friend first! I personally felt like a real breakthrough took place in that moment.
Now I am not saying that ANYONE should have to accept or believe something they don't believe in, but respect is the ultimate in it all. It is kind of hard for me to here a person tell a person that they are living the Christian way respect the bible and what the bible says, but still contradict it all at the same time!! Lashawn was saying all of those things while sitting at the same table with these guys downing shots of tequila and if I am not mistaking he woke up with the hangover... #Tea #NoShade
All and all it was a very good episode of Tamar and Vince. I feel like this was one of their better shows. It was also fun to watch everyone at the beach. Tamar running from invisible jelly fish, Lashawn scary behind running from water, and Vince running from the damn jet ski!!!! That was all a hoot.
Well my good people...It's time for me to peace out for now. Thanks for reading. If you didn't get to see the show I hope this helped!! Later guys and tell a friend to tell a friend that....